Larve – Larve EP

*originally written for and published by Carpe Nocturne Magazine
Larve is a band that can be categorized as many things – innovative, fresh, a little punk, a little old school deathrock, but above all, a mystery. As many other intrigued fans have probably discovered, attempts to research Larve turn up little more than photos of exotic insects and some variation of the sentence “Larve is an all female band from Croatia.” After giving the EP a few listens, I would like to clarify: Larve is an awesome all female band from Croatia.
Remember the first time you heard X-Mal Deutschland? It was a little grainy, it reminded you of Siouxsie, the lyrics may not have been in your mother tongue, but if you loved it nonetheless, then Larve’s self titled EP should be on your listening priority list.
The EP kicks off with “List (Leaf)”, an upbeat and quick introductory tune with a vibe that rides the line between punk and an almost 60’s pop feel, while still remaining dark. “Bubimir”, the second track on the album is a circus-y, darkly playful tune that absolutely will get stuck in your head (the Devils Carnival, anyone?). “Razum” jumps back to a more 80s punk feel before the epic “Splur”, a dredgy, foggy deathrock tune. “Tuberkuloza”, a slow synth, dark almost unsettling instrumental piece riddled with vocal and pedal effects brings the album to a close.
Rumor has it that Larve is now defunct – I only wish I’d gotten to know them better first.